Keep Your Dental Hygiene Up To Date…

It’s time to book your dental hygiene appointment….Here are some important facts:

Keeping your dental hygiene up to date is an important part of your overall health. Not only is your oral health an important part of your appearance and sense of well-being, it can detect cavities and gum disease which may contribute to many serious conditions, such as diabetes and respiratory diseases. Studies are also currently examining whether there is a link between poor oral health and heart disease and between poor oral health and women delivering pre-term, low birth weight babies.

Maintaining good oral health includes keeping teeth free from cavities and preventing gum disease. Poor oral health has been linked to sleeping problems, as well as behavioural and developmental problems in children. Poor oral health can also affect your ability to chew and digest food properly.

Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums, which may also affect the bone supporting the teeth. Plaque is a sticky colourless film of bacteria that constantly builds up, thickens and hardens on the teeth. If it is not removed this plaque can harden into tartar and may contribute to infections in the gums.


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